Ellie Herrick | Senior Portraits | Tuloso-Midway High school | Corpus Christi, TX

Ellie Herrick was an absolute joy to photograph. She was easy going, up to try different locations and poses without hesitation and honestly, she reminded me of why I love photographing seniors so much. Creating images that last lifetime to remember this part of a young persons life is such an honor and is something I don’t take for granted. Working together, Ellie and I came up with some of my favorite images to date.

If you or maybe your son or daughter haven’t had the opportunity to take a step back and make time to create these type of captured memories for their senior year of high school or college, please don’t hesitate to reach out as I would love the opportunity to capture this moment for them as well.

As always, I thank you for your time and encourage you to view the rest of Ellie’s images down below.

- Photographer Roman Suarez